254 Comments for Detroit Osteopathic Hospital

Motts, keep up the great work.... While I didn't see the comments, we collectively as a little website community are way above board... "Don't let the bastards grind you down.'
I'll put one on if it's a really nasty enclosed space, or I'm heading into tunnels where I can see the asbestos insulation has become friable or disturbed. Otherwise the mold doesn't seem too bad if it's left alone.
I thought this was growing out of the floor too until I looked closely. :)
Motts, I am curious to know if you wear a mask when you go in these places That is some nasty black mold. Those curtains are nice though and surprisingly in good shape. I like the yellow and white colors.
Wanderer Pyepoudre, maybe also John Nash in A Beautiful Mind could puzzle out a code from the numbers. It reminds me of a scene from that movie.
This is another one of those great clocks. This one has stopped at 11:15. It looks like it would be in working order.
That is a great crib. I love the contrast of the bright yellow and shiny metal against the peeling paint.
The sheet really does look clean and white. It's very well preserved.
I love the clock! It stopped at 20 till 5 on some forever unknown date. We had clocks like this in my high school.
Yeah the city uses giant tractors to mow the large swaths of grass from all the abandoned lots (where everyone used to have a lawn); not much attention to detail happens there, as there are so many of them.
The removed comments are... removed! Gone forever, and good riddance. I won't be slandered on my own website by an anonymous and hateful stalker.
Where's the removed comments? The conversation sounds schizophrenic without them filling the gaps.
well, mowing the lawns didn't help much, it still looks very neglected.
I'm always impressed when I see such large complexes with multiple buildings beeing abandoned. I Germany, I only know this from miletary areas that got left behind when the french, americans and russians leaved.
I wondered that as well. It reminds me of alveoli, but I doubt that's what it's of.