184 Comments for Transfiguration of Our Lord

Mica, why do you say "facing south?" I ask because it is my understanding that the Catholic churches built in the old days had the altar facing the East. At the time that this church was built, the priest faced *Ad orientem* which means to the East, and the mass celebrated was the Tridentine. The rubrics were quite precise and followed religiously - pun intended.
I especially like organs and pianos in these old abandoned buildings. In this case, it is baffling how this organ could be left to decay and then destroyed.
One could be distracted by such beauty that they wouldn't hear the sermon.
Sadness. How did this sheet music end up lying there?
Soon...strip malls, burger joints, and CVS's will be built where once stood beautiful stone edifices such as this church.
The amount of work put into this gorgeous building only to have it be torn down, so sad.
Wow this is amazing!!
Yeah, you are right, eldokid@aol.com - things change; words change - one of the reasons this beautiful Church is now landfill.
Maybe we are not lighthearted and carefree anymore????? (*_*) It really IS such a lovely word! Light. Short. Pretty sound. I love it.
Thank you, Motts for yet another fantastic ride! So sad it was demoed. So sad morons got to buy these old structures. Thank you for perserving this in pictures for the world to see.

Until the NEXT gallery!!! ; )
What Mica said!
It was stunning. Amazing. I can only hang my head in embarassment for my fellow man. The greed.....the ignorance.
From this perspective, its even MORE of a crime the morons razed this beautiful building!! What a beautiful building this was!
I LOVE this shot! Love it! How beautiful and eerie at the same time! Like a dungeon exit into the Lords Light! :)
fnajera, Thank you for that link, I love Google maps. It is the only way I get to see Philly any more! I see they demolished this beautiful church In October 2009. Reminds me a little of St. Bonaventure with those doors under the steps more than likely leading to the basement church. Take care.
What morons. Sorry, but I am holding back. Such a waste.

Beautiful old organ. And again, Motts.......your perspective is spot on!