162 Comments for Metropolitan Building

Lovin' that green color on the windows!
Such a beauty!
Just beautiful work done on this! Glad this building is being saved
Yep, I second the wallpaper thing!

I love roof top views and this one is awesome
american version of Godzilla
...yes.........and five of them radiators - those cute little legs.
Warm + light once upon a time, all those windows in three directions. Hoping it will come to fine use again.
Primary Colors.
Hi Motts. thank you for sharing your lovely images. Safe travels to you always.
Tis, not hard to imagine this hall decorated for Christmas Shoppers.
Detroit was one of the first cities to have an "area code" with the phone number according to wikipaedia. "Keith McGill & Associates" business card could be very close to 60 years old.
Are they going to try to keep it original when they renovate it? Like the marble and the timbers on the ceiling?
Wow. I like this!
This is cool. Old safes are fascinating.
Hah that is priceless!
Were there any dates on any of these?