174 Comments for Palace Theater

View from the nosebleed seats!
Dude, you need to make this one a wallpaper
are all the cars abandoned too.. just to make it complete..ha ha!
im assuming broadway had a lot of abandoned buildings..
WOW! at least something is left behind..
Growing up in Gary in the 50's I had been to this theater many many times. It was truly beautiful. It breaks my heart to see it in this shape, but all of Gary is in that shape now.
Thanks for the photos.
I love how you feel each of your photos Motts. Not everyone would have seen it and thought, how beautiful, comets shooting through a broken sky.
Peruvian bagder!
Thanks Eileen! I suppose it's ok if it's credited to this website - I've added a Pinterest button to facilitate this (you may need to refresh the page).
your work is so beautiful. I came across these on Pinterest but I don't see a Pinterest share button. I hope you're ok with putting these on Pinterest!
This makes me think of the being of the musical The Phantom of the Opera when they restore the chandelier and they go into the story. Wounder if the piano could do the same.
Thanks; it's all natural light from the open emergency exit door, located on the mezzanine.
The details over the windows above the word Palace are gorgeous. What a shame this building couldn't have been put to some use before it started to fall apart. Thanks so much Mr. Motts for letting us see it, inside and out.
That's a big building, wow.