131 Comments for Ritz Theater

Shell-shocked is more like it. How could they let this place go like this?
As a lover of old movies I also have an interest in the old movie theaters. This should be interesting. I'm already liking that this and other pictures in the gallery look so colorful. Anyone remember the early years of the AMC TV network? They showed grand movie theaters very often, but not if they were in bad condition. The network has since changed formats and gone way downhill since then. But at least they have The Walking Dead!
I always totally LOVE the creepy hospitals!

Great gallery Motts.
Wonder why this place went under when it was a theater?
This place just seems too far gone to save.

Prolly some dumb teens wrote that, lol
I love greenery, not quite in this way but pretty non the less
This place looks too far gone to me, but maybe not. I love seeing these old places put back into some kind of use
and as I usually say, I'd hate to go flying down that at night, not knowing there's a whole section of ground missing, lol.
I like the wood walls and movie reel decoration thing (if that's what that is).
Wow, I can just imagine myself walking up those stairs. I feel like I am really there with these photos, for some reason
Wow, so sad
Sad to see old buildings like this left to their own demise.
So sad when these places are forgotten. Love touring inside old theaters though
u have our gratitude
more creepy hospital yay!