189 Comments for Dixie Brewery

What luck! A new gallery. Can't wait to see.
Does it look like someone cut it open? looks like a dirty surprise if they did.
Am back! can´t help myself. How i enjoy the LOOK of this red brick building architects with a vision.
And....hmmmm....are there plants growing on the facade now????
It's probably a big charcoal filter.
I'll be going to N'awlins next month and would love to see this place in person! Such an interesting city!
What a cool looking old part of the city!
Old signage is so cool!
Hi Tom - do you know how is it possible that ice is still in there?
I bet it's really creepy in here at night
Sure hope they get this place up and running as a brewery again
My fear of stepping on a nail would definitely be hightened in here! Probably misspelled that but, lol
Yeah New Orleans is much nicer to visit when it's warm, lol
Wow, what a cool room!
I thought that too, Flushed.