189 Comments for Dixie Brewery

Looks as though that ladder was an access point for the flag pole at the top.
It would be nice to see it lit up at night
I didn't realize that was the last photo in the gallery - thanks for another great gallery Mr. Motts and keep them coming!!!
That was probably a wise decision - you wouldn't want to fall from way up there. Plus, you might be seen.
What a great, historic shot. Glad you preserved it in photo, in case it gets demolished.
Look at the height of that room!
I have the same question as N - what is that white and green stuff?
Looks like lots of thick white styrofoam on the walls.
If they don't salvage the building I certainly hope they salvage the gate. It is WAY too nice to scrap.
Great shot, with the red, green, white and gold, and what a fantastic tasting bar - a replica of a real barrel.
Great comment Mr. Motts - A bit ironic re York Ice Machinery and all that ice in the building at the time you were there.
Interesting colours. Looking up like that makes me dizzy.
How odd to see icicles in this photo and a palm tree in a previous photo.
What a wonderful gate, and thanks Tootuncommon - I hadn't noticed the old street lights below the newer one until you mentioned it.
Wonderful shot - matches exactly your historical photo that you gave us in black and white. Obviously a very historical building - should be saved.