189 Comments for Dixie Brewery

A delicious, delicious symphony of suds!
I still think the bung hole is an odd thing to have in your bar.
I'm pretty sure this was for keeping the zombies "fresh" in such a hot climate.
The round numbered column in the center is where the bottles would be filled. The capper doesn't look to be present. The filler would spin as the same speed as the line so everything was always moving even while being filled. The capper would likely have been stand alone a few feet away from the end of the filler section and would have had a large hopper on top to hold the caps being fed down into the machine. After the bottles are filled and capped, they would go through a label machine which would grab a label and apply it. The bottle would usually go through a brush to ensure the edges of the label are pushed down. From there the bottles are dropped into 6 pack holders and then into cases. It's like watching a symphony.
i live in florida & never heard of lucille's beer.
and i do peruse the microbrewery aisles...
looks kind of like moldy broccoli....
There was no getting inside it?
One of those images that makes me want to ask, "What happened here?" Just walking around in there must have been interesting. The tall, green thing reminds me of machines I've seen in old boiler rooms.
I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!
Wow, this is almost like something out of a space sci-fi movie! Is that some kind of shaft at the end?
Very nice gate.

At first I thought that thing on the left was a lever to open the gate, but it looks like it goes into the wall. Anyone know what it's for?
I like when imagination is used to build rooms like this. It makes it even more interesting if the building is abandoned...
It's like the air conditioning was left on at it's coldest at the same time there was a flood or water was left running.

I'm not sure I'd try to climb, but I'd want to.
Just goes to show that icicles can be nature's decorations, but I didn't realize they'd look good inside a building as well as out.

Always a fan of the stairwell shots...
I wish buildings were still being made of this kind of brick. I've always liked them.

Nice to see another new gallery.