147 Comments for McMyler Coal Dumper

What may be 2012 aerials show this thing still sitting there. The dock is long gone and it's likely sunk deep into the mud. Coal dock looks intact also.
Why dose a joke that bad make me laugh?
Yeah, thanks for the new galleries! LOVE the heavy industrial stuff. Always post lots of the machinery shots please!
MASSIVE power! Boy would I love to see that stuff in operation. Very impressive.
Who is now a big purple zombie that roams the compound at night. Yeah, that one was pretty bad.
Mr Motts next gallery will be Autoguy's yard :)
If somebody grabbed it, I'd like to think it lives on somewhere as a cool conversation piece.
Sad to think this stuff would get scrapped. So much of it would make for great yard ornaments and industrial decor. For my yard anyway, I'm sick that way. :oD
Prancer, I'm shocked at your post. (starting to smile)
you of all people should know (holding back a giggle)
only the most intelligent and creative people come to this site (break into a laugh)

Mr. Motts said screw ( lol,lol,lol)
Massive shaft is serious heavy duty! Those two little caps sticking up were kept filled with grease. A few turns every so often kept the shaft lubricated.
That's cool stuff. Looks like the chain was to move the hoist along the track. I'll guess a black and tackle was added to lift things.
Flywheel and crankshaft counterweights. Maybe the thing on the right was a generator?
That stuff must had been impressive when it was all running. You could never post too many heavy machinery shots!
And that answers THAT question. Steam engines! I'd be lost in there forever looking at that stuff. Or at least until the zombies got me.
Giant machinery is great. What was driving these things? Big electric motors?