285 Comments for Manicomio Francesca

A completely honest unintended pun but, that's insane.
It's amazing, the condition all of that area is in. So pristine, if that was here (Australia) it would have become some idiots bonfire.
Way, way too soon...
Oh I spoke too soon... Thanks Liza
It appears zombies have become the new soap dispensers...

(Unless you're a somewhat long time follower, that may not make sense).
Yes it was a stand up refrigerator, quite literally in the fact that maybes somebody sat on top, with strings tied to the arms of the bodies and through the 'viewing window' a puppet show was put on for all the other patients... Too far? ... I really have to stop watching Ross Noble...
What you didn't know is that all the original furniture and fittings were still in there when it closed... And well it all still is really...
I was in hope that nothing bad had happened, it'd been an unusually long amount of time with no updates. I hope all's well.
Its amazing how clean it is in there. Great gallery! I hope to see more soon. Hi Debbie, miss ya
Very glad you are back Motts! You were missed, I too check in here everyday, multiple times through an RSS feed... I bet I have looked at every gallery more than 5 times and I never get tired of looking at them over and over, love the site and I hope everything is okay!
That is absolutely disgusting, Motts. Great shot, but I feel sorry for your poor boots!
Thanks Motts for another Wonderful Gallery to see everyday. Love YA.
Awsome Shot Motts.
Im So Glad, lots of new pics to see...im gonna be busy looking at them all tonight <3
Really interesting piece of art! I love the bold shapes with the shine of the tile too, sooo great!