285 Comments for Manicomio Francesca

Ok I am going to have to look and find a table like that. It has tap handles...bet it is embalming fluid...its bugging me!
All the tiles still hanging on...at least they are not yellow.
Was there only one table? That appears to be a very large room. Love the shine still on the tiles.

PS Larry I watched the same show (I am a Titanic fanatic) and its just amazing that it can survive for 100 years under water.
I would have thought mud on the floor if you hadn't said it was goat caca. I can't imagine the stench that gave off.
We were all worried about you! So glad you are okay!

We sure did miss you! Nice to have you back again :)
You were sorely missed! Glad that you are back.
Looks fresh too.
Incredible how ceramic tile walls retain a brilliant shine in these places. Last month I watched a documentary on the wreck of the Titanic and for the first time a submersible found it's way into the Turkish Bath deep in the bowels of the ship. Sure enough, the ceramic tile on the walls had retained it's colors and shine.
Good to have you back Motts. Your galleries were missed but more importantly, we care for your well being.
Agree the Colors are Great! Just think of all the records that are kept here...
This si a GREAT Photo!!! Have you ever been to any of the Wash Houses for girls? I would Love to see the pics!!!
It's ok Motts, I hope the best for you and thank you for taking the time to post these beautiful photographs! They are truly inspirational.
Apologies for being absent for so long - many things (good and bad) have been happening at once and I needed to take some time off to take care of them. I hope to keep maintaining the website as much as I can.