1,927 Comments for Pilgrim State Hospital

I lived at Pilgrim for three years while working and going to school -- never saw a jump net.........
Wow....I was doing research & stumbled upon this page. I'm actually quite frightened because I have had teh same dream with slight alterations in every one of them but the thing that never changed was THAT excat building. Well, it was in tact kinda, but when I went to find help and I returned to the building it was like, destroyed. Kindof like in hte photo above. I don't know what to think exactly but I hope it's just an odd coincidense.
I was a member of the last class of Pilgrim. Were you?
I remember this room well. It never failed that when you had to bring a body here all the lower draws were full!
I attended Pilgrim School of Nursing in the 70's these photos are great!
Wow these bring back lots of memories. I lived, worked, and went to school here from 1974 to 1977.
I've been there. My ex, a couple of friends and I went there. It was terrifying being in there in the dark with nothing but a flashlight. It totally freaked me out. After we went into this one building I freaked out and ran outside and underneath the car... But seriously the most creepy thing about this place isn't even being outside of it.. It is driving through at night past the buildings.
W orked at Pilgrim since 1966 and retired in 2003. Love the photography. I used to go to meetings and sat by that very same window. Heard stories about German prisoners during WW-2 being marched from behind the Storehouse and taken behind the 80's building. If you have any simple questions about Pilgrim you are more than welcome to E-mail me
john, i think most of these places have closed because of lack of funding and in some cases , reported patient abuse , also there was a brillant idea to let patients be dinstationalized i didnt spell that correctly but im sure you know what i mean.
whats the deal behind pilgrim? Did some of the parts close down because of labodemies going on or just ended up getting abandoned?
I wouldn't recomend trying to go into the buildings. For many reasons. I actually tried to cut through Pilgrim once (by car). My self and my sister thought we would take the short cut through Pilgrim to the Sagtikos Pkwy. I had been there once during the day, it seemed very simple. All of a sudden we were lost driving in circles. I have a good sense of direction and could not find my way out. We both started getting really scared that we would not be able to get out. As we were driving we came apon a dirt road and a water tower and we saw something about waits high moving towards us on the dirt raod. It scared the crap out of us but we had to see what it was. As we got closer we could make out what it was. It was one of the wild dogs previously mentioned. It was scary yet sad at the same time. The dow was obviously malnutrioned, his ribs were severly caved in. WE were relieved that it was just a dog, but kind of confused why this dog was out in the middle of no where. We were still lost and now getting even more paranoid that we wouldnt be able to get out(it was about 9:30 pm) Finally after driving around for over 15 minutes we ran into a police officer. I pulled him over and explained how we were trying to cut through and couldnt find our way out. he gave us directions and I haven been back since just recetly. I started taking classes at Suffolk Co. College at night. I cut through to take the SAg home. Every time I see those buildings I get this really erie feeling. I think that place really is haunted! I didnt know half of the history on the place that I done now from researching. But I truly believe that places has spirits. Once people enter Pilgrim (patients) they never left. Unmarked graves a little too coinsidental if you ask me!
Howard, Judy Neal anyone with personal expericen on history of Pilgrim please contact me. hopefull_destiny@yahoo.com thank you
Mr. Motts, Frank & anyone who has or knows anyone who has actual expeience of Pilgrim pleae email me. I am writting a paper for school and also have persaonl interest (my has mental illness and had several yr stay in places like this) it would be very appreciated and helpful to me thank you. hopefull_destiny@yahoo.com
Lynn or anyone that has info on Pilgrim please get intouch with me. I am writting a paper for school but also have personal interest. My mother has a mental illness and has had long stays in places like this. I dont believe she was at pilgrim, I think Kings Park and South Oaks. I am very interested to find out what actually goes on in places like this. Also history, stories of treatment (patient) ghost stories any true actual historical events. hopefull_destiny@yahoo.com thank you
Sect, Lenny, Sam or anyone that has actual experiences fromPilgrim please email me with any info you may have. I am writting a paper for school but also have personal interest. My mother has mental illness and has been hospitalized for many years. I am curous to see what actualy goes on in places like this. you can reach me at hopfull_destiny@yahoo.com thank you for your help