178 Comments for Consonno

OK, I can't resist one more time: "Riiiii-Colaaaaa!"
There's a term for this place: "White Elephant".
This almost has a Moorish influence in the architecture. Almost.
I love this, was this shot in IR?
"Take your big curls and squeeze them down Rotunda - What's the name of the chick with the long hair? (Rapunzle!) Hey Rapunzle! (Raputa!) Raputa the Buta! Flipping down your hair let me climb up the ladder of your love!!"

Musta Got Lost (Live) Lyrics by The J. Geils Band,
dream? more like a folly that a small quite village died for :(
a place to jump from after losing in the casino
I think your right Dylan, there's no jagged pieces left in the frame
"History shows again and again
How nature points up the folly of men"

from godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult
looks like a lighthouse in a small New England fishing village
That's some tree house - kids' ultimate dream!
Another great gallery, Motts!
Love the design around the base of the "island". I would have tried to get over to the island, but knowing my luck I'd probably get stuck.
Looks more like the glass fell out rather than being smashed out by vandals.