178 Comments for Consonno

HAHAHAH B. that is pretty neat! It looks like the black bars are dancing. :D Pretty cool.

I love how the boards or whatever in the middle are going a different way from the longer boards (or whatever they are)...

Yeah Lucie--I see that too!

This makes me think of warm summer evenings sipping wine and listening to a band...

Otherwise it is really UGLY in front of those mountains which are SO beautiful!
Wow bobo...that is one song I've never heard of! >.< I LOVE the J. Geils Band!

I would love to zip-line down those wires...er...as long as the POWER is off lol...

WHEEE ***ZZZZAAAAAAP*** That would suck!
Wow...look at those mountains.

--.-- I would love to have a little house under those peaks...
Lucie--probably just some plastic thingie left from a rave (there are lots here according to the description in the beginning) or from one of the shops that used to be around here...

This is one of my faves too...how absolutely gorgeous this is.
Looks like the mountains right here around Scranton PA...

What gorgeous greemery!

I can't tell what that is on the ground...I thought it was a doll or something at first, but it looks like some kind of metal whatsit laying there. :)
Ack...looks like this is in the depths of Hell or something...

The coloring gives this a very surreal and almost CREEPY feeling to it...anyone agree?
Oh wow! I can almost see the Hobbits or some faeries and other mythical beings having a tea party up here.

It seems so peaceful...
Nice shade of brown...

I have to agree with all the rest. That DOES look like fabric, and it almost BEGS for you to reach out and stroke it to prove that it isn't fabric lol.
How sad that is...this idiot should've been hanged from his own pointy tower-thing!

This reminds me SO much of Rocky Glen Park...same rust, same abandoned feeling...I can't believe the emotions this is bringing up for me.
Yeah...time and tide wait for no man...

How majestically beautiful these shopfronts must have been back in the day.
I am still thinking seafood restaurant...

I think I'd better go get something to eat now. :D

I can't imagine people milling around here either...this seems so long ago, yet so recent too.
Gosh how that does look like a face...AH! That poor tree doesn't have a chance lol.

Nice quote bobo! :)
Makes me want to grab my fishing pole and head on out to catch some fish or seafood...

I would imagine myself under those umbrellas that MomPink is imagining eating shrimp cocktail and sipping some fancy Italian wine. :)
:) You should see the pictures I have of the old Rocky Glen Park here in Pennsylvania! It was in Moosic, and there is little left, but I have some video and some pictures of how it used to be.

This just is creepy and beautiful all at the same time!