538 Comments for Kahlenbergstift

LOL fnajera!!!

That one on the right looks like it's just saying, "Blech" and spitting something out of the bottom.
OMG, this is definitely my favorite shot. SOOO cool!
I agree with Turboshed....tall ceilings, normal door.

Larry D, I think it's a sink. :)
Cool perpsective. I love the curling wallpaper way in the back.

OMG that is bizarre and unnerving. I'm not even writing what was going through my mind, lol.
So I guess no one heard the floor collapse? Sorry...had to say it. ;)

Wow, really cool shot though. Imagine opening that door to check out the room and, whoops! Damn.
LOL Mr. Motts! I love the hallway shots! This place must have been beautiful back in the day. I hate that it was demolished.
Mama, you stole my line! ;)

Wow, great shot! That poor building. I always thoguht they took better care of old buildings in Europe than they do here....perhaps not so much.
I love that perspective! The different colors are nice. Great shot.
I'm with Mama! I can only imagine what critters are living in there and what kind of mold or something is growing in that stuff. Yuck! Cool shot, though!
Another wonderful shot! All the decay is so cool and I love the shadow on the floor!
Agreed, it looks like the cement under the tiles but what a wonderful pattern it's making! The doors are beautiful, they must have been so pretty back in the day, although I don't understand all the different colors, lol.
I love the composition of this picture. The bright hallway leading to that dark one with the light coming through the open door at the end is lovely. That door is beckoning us to see what's going on down there. :)
Even though there isn't much of the railing left, one can see that it must have been beautiful. The colors are lovely as well and I love the open doors.
Do Zombies like waffles ?