538 Comments for Kahlenbergstift

You go on with yo bad self, Motts! you shoots `em, You names `em!
More bells and whistles on the site would be cool, but if you are taking requests, I'd like to see a section called "Titles by Genius"
C'mon Einstein, a mensa member such as yourself HAS to have some idea of how many images to which this guy puts titles over the course of this site! Ya can't hit it outta the park every time ! It's HiS short descriptive decision to make...Don't scroll down all the way to the title, if ya don't wann know what it is! Peace!
I vote TITLES!!!
Awesome shot! I'd have probably Eldo kid right in!
Nice, Larry...You have the soul of a poet.....Now give it back! LOL!
(Seriously, cool couplet!)
Janitor, I agree wholeheartedly...That was what I thought the split second it opened up...a painting! Coooool shot!
It's like a optical delusion! Wayyyyy cool shot!
I cant believe anyone would dislike the titles. The titles always give me a clue as to what Motts sees that i might not see, or what i may miss in a particular photo. Dont most artist name their painting? Motts is a photographic Artist.
If it was for dining, it sure didnt have a very appealing atmosphere. The food had to be horrid.
One thing is for sure, whatever they kept in there was meant to stay in there. & it does resemble a train Matt.
Nothing like a little greenery to enhance a dreary room :)
Now this is a spectacular shot! Isnt this a surprise...really does look like a reflection. Very cool.
That would have fooled me for sure, I'd have kept walking then wondered why I was on the floor below (with a lump on my head)
Betty Boop is Pooped
Agreed Larry!
I have recurring dreams of rooms with missing floors, I don't know if it's because I spent too much time on this website or if I just have a fear of falling through a bad floor - at any rate, it's gorgeous!
Any thoughts as to why the sound proofing was only on the door and not also in the whole room? That view is really Wide-Open...Amazing!