3,287 Comments for Danvers State Hospital

i'll fall down to nothing. when mold dead faces are piled..
what. oh my god, this is crazy. i love it
Funny how they seem to show themselves to some but not others...Well,anyways keep up the beautiful work. I am envious of your photo ability!
Yep, I've visited Weston State Hospital before it became open for tours; I saw a security guard patrolling inside the building, but other than that I didn't see anything weird (or anywhere else).
I would like to know Motts, if you have seen anything paranormal on all your treks in these places. The most active places are even active in the daytime! We just did the overnight ghost hunt at Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum 2 weekends ago, and were not sure about if it would be "hollywood" or just nothing! We came out the next morning with a complete shakeup of our belief system... We saw and heard SO much we just can't explain away... Now, I'm in love with all these Kirkbride and other institutions of past.... Thanks for all your beautiful work and preserving our history!
Michael Ramseur is the author.
If you would like to read more history "The Spirit of Antoinette" by Mansur is a great read
that is one foreboding entryway. thanks for the tour Mr. Motts. i love this stuff. it's both facinating and educational. this building or buildings, i should say; are beautiful in their decay. i am a new fan of yours and hope to see more of your perspective soon. thanks for sharing your eyes with me.
is the light cast from your flash the only light illuminating this space?? its profound. this is a beautiful shot. the doors are curious, one set opening in and the others out. i wonder if they swung both ways.
i'm not into ghosts and all of that rott but, there does appear to be someone standing there with their hands up on the bars peering back at you.... i had to look twice to be sure it was a trick of the shadows.
it is me or does the inside of thise building scream ominous more than the asylum??
Mr. "Motts" this is an amazing picture. You've got a good eye and amazing perspective. Your work is incredible. On the bench to the left it almost looks like there was at some point a someone sitting there and they just faded away with the building leaving only their trousers behind to witness the decay. Eerie indeed.
The door has 2 eyes its cool.
not even planned ; (
I took a walk here last Sunday; tried to picture how everything was back in the "good old days". Thank God they at least left the admin part of this magnificent structure. I also walked down the covered staircase and woodland path that goes down the hill of the property-it was a beautiful autumn day.