1,256 Comments for Foxboro State Hospital

i believe that the colors represent the different levels each patiant was in, from my own experiances dealing with people i know that have been in or are in mental institutions patients get different privledges depending on their statis, which is determined by the color they are at, gree being the best with the most privledges and red being the worst, normally new patients start off red and work their way up, each time a patient does something against the rules or anything of that sort their color goes down and thye lose certain privledges, but thats just my theory...
anyone know how to get into that place without getting caught???
i just love the colours.. theyre so rich.
very peter halley...
I'm sure they're only really concerned about destructive kids, homeless people, etc. Also, they know these places aren't structurely safe.
can the cops go in the building if they saw u and that was a close one if u get caought ur f*****
i remember when i visited here in 04 the security guards were actually driving around crazy-wreckless--and after running at breakneck speed back to our car we realized they didn't even notice we were there at all, they just kept tearing ass around the whole place. ...and this was at like, 1am on a wednesday night.
first time posting , been addicted for 2 weeks . beautiful shot mr motts i really
appreciate all your work you are doin a grea t service . thank you
oh okay thanks i get it now!!
what a lovely garden?......
There were few ways to calm agitated patients before effective psychotropic medications. Hydrotherapy was an effective means of reducing agitation. Its use stopped after the introduction of Thorazine the first effective psychotropic medication. Thorazine not only reduced agitation but hallucinations, inappropriate behavior and anxiety. It was the penicillin or wonder drug in the treatment of psychosis. I think the advent of Thorazine was the first creak in the closing of the doors to these buildings.
it looks like in a few years, that fireplace mite look like its in the middle of a forest, and that will make 4 a great pic!
Looks like a slate roof. I could use those.
i under stand that the lights are security but what is that gigantic glowing line around it??
it looks like the window has somehting writen on it