1,256 Comments for Foxboro State Hospital

hmmm check the bottem shelf....
haha its abslotly pricless motts absolutly priceless
wow is all i can say wow its like heaven is collapsing and falling apart
Because the soap dispenser was actually turned on in this tub.
what is the bottle???
why does a tub have a light?????
i will go into that darkend hall way for a nickle and a cookie
nothing unless it was a major supporting beam
unless your not really dead and die of fright but im sure that never happend (would be inturesting though)
wow six bodies i wonder if it was more often full or not
coool that is cool pipes
Since there seem to be a lot of references to "people screaming" on this site, I'll just say that, yes, some people do scream and you can hear them from outside, and naturally you'll think the worst and think someone must be getting beaten or something worse, but usually, almost always, it's much more mundane. In crowded, noisy wards it can be a way to get some attention. Or perhaps another client stole someone's snack and the person screams. Some people used to scream any time you directed them to use the bathroom. Very rarely is what is happening inside as bad as it can sound from the outside.
I went there last night and i couldnt find the morgue...but im telling you its scary o and one more thign the security sux
Just had to make a soap dispenser comment huh?! lol.
wonder if our pal dookie got narced simply because of that comment