563 Comments for Berliner Bunkerwelten

More than 6 people go in there and he's going to start yelling "Raus! Raus! Schnell!"
Urgh... I wished I'd had that when my mom used to cook liver...
Haha! German helmet drums! The "drumstick" that serenityjane mentioned is the handle of a folding trench shovel.
Hey!!!... war, gas and genocide are not valid excuses to forget about fashion!!!
amazing! ...but is behind that mask really a "mother" and in that cart "a child"?... I guess one of us could definitely find another 5 hidden men in this pic like in one of the firsts. What kind of peson would be concerned about taking such a picture in this conditions and times?
they were maybe dog coffins!!!... you know... the Führer loved dogs?.. that would explain the size and the caption on the crosses, right?
Mark 5:9, is the entrance of this bunker-museum for free?, I don't think so... so this items are not the result of non-profitable souls... for christ sake!, you innocent lamb !
sweet jews.. geez, I mean!!!!... the perspective just doesn't look right on this one
5 hidden men!!!??? Christ... I could barely find 2... and 3 with bad intentions... please, where are they?!!! maybe your imagining things...
I dont know where that water cmae from but I wouldnt want to go near it. Miss you Debbie.
this one makes me shiver
love the shadow play
vaccines maybe? sedation?
jenberry: I know! That'd be terrible, talk about scarred for life
That's terrifying. To think: that's not from some doomsday movie, it's real. That was a real scene and we could very possibly see that in our reality. War is such a hideous thing...