718 Comments for Irrenanstalt Weiler

Only a few scalpels were left in the lab, along with beakers, jars, test tubes, etc.

Most instruments are usually missing from such places but every so often there are a few left behind...
Guess it sucked it last suck !
JT is on the money with the morticians aspirator. typically attached to the neck below the ear, at the carotid artery. good job.
after looking through all of these, serious question....
What Happened to this place? why were the inhabitants so quick to skat and leave all the stuff behind. Was there an attempt to sell it or did they just get out?
Much different than today. I of ten work in the embalming room and even these photos give me a bit of a creep. Were there any remnants of surgical or forensic anatomilogical tools left behind? (scalpel, scissors, tweezer devices)
Is that written in French? In Germany?
More "Plinko", this place looks fun.
It's "Plinko" again!
You awe me, sir :). My respect for you expands exponentially every time I visit the site. I literally drain the power on my iphone nightly, I'm working alphabetically through your archives.

I work in the camera business, and I've never heard of flashlight painting! (feelin' like a bit of a tool because of that, actually..) thank you for teaching me more!

This gallery is one of the most fascinating I've seen on here so far, other than Crypt of Barons.
This space you've captured here has a dark vibe, I really like it!
lmao kayc
that was for the guy who wants the bucket of dead people body fluids. you know you can get the plague from that shit.
did your mama drop you on your head?
aright'' that is sick. im done
you are a very brave guys motts, crazy if you went alone