400 Comments for County Morgue

dead people often get the nicest stuff.
I actually like the green tiles
How many times have I told you not to leave bodies lying around?!?! HAHA!!
How grotesquely romantic.
Man, what beautiful millwork!!
kim can't spell
As Motts already pointed out in that picture there are some left handed desks. They are also viewable in the next picture(Radial), on the uppermost level viewable(3rd up) at the far ends on both sides are 2 seats with writing table's on the left side.

Based on the pictures it looks like there were 4 left handed seats in total.
I would take a guess at around 20-30 trays...
Any idea what the capacity of this morgue was?
You sure don't see that craftsmanship anymore. These places were works of the hands and the hearts...they took pride in their work and it shows!
Had not heard of that before... very interesting. Gorgeous woodwork.
Another amazing set, Motts! I especially love this last picture.
that wewe the opaloopa come out
not much lag room
look like 3 ed class on the titanc