400 Comments for County Morgue

What a treat to get to be there and to photograph it. Thankyou for your work.
Of all the morgues you've shown, this one and it's auditorium is my favorite. So beautiful. Seems like this place should have some historical value. Not many like these- no? I wonder which doctors performed autopsies, dissections here.
Wow- the chairs, the metal, the viewing equipment on the wall. wooden swivel chairs!
were they swivel-y?
wow. again.
was the ceiling sagging or was it supposed to be that way? Purty.
Amazing. I've never heard of rooms like these before. A treasure.
Very nice perspective.
Great photo.
i was able to see an ampitheater similar to this one in a facility near my home. It is in a physicians hospital that is fully functioning although the ampitheater is curruntly locked up and quite rundown.