Really beautiful building. I wish I knew more about the history.
Those hardwood floors are nice tho. Some sanding & polishing would make that puppy shine like a new penny.
its hideous
Looks like one of those gigantic mazes or crosswords.
PS : I had 2 German Shepherd growing up and I tried to out run them... NO WAY
Lorena G. your link doesn't work but I would love to see your pictures. I was wondering if MOTT would ever go to a southamerican country..
This website is amazing!! I have been hocked to it for quite sometime.

Since you are from Uruguay you know that the Maciel Hospital in Ciudad Vieja and the Italian Hospital are beautiful buildings to be photographed. I am going in summer time (winter here) and will take some pictures...
Wouldn't that translate more to "beware of entry" rather than "defense to enter?" Just a thought from an amateur language nerd : )
I got the "1920s era high school" vibe too.
NATO weapons.
Googled "S9JNA" for fun, and got this: http://redbook.gao.gov/7/fl0031860.php

Still don't know what it stands for, but the rocket ammunition was M28A2 HEAT, which, according to the infallible Wikipedia, was used by the M20 "Super Bazooka," which entered production just before the start of the Korean war.

I suppose it was given or sold to France in case of a Soviet tank invasion.
now that just not right! Hideous wallpaper! i hope who ever was locked in here was blind. Wouldnt wish that on anyone, but how else could you endure walls like that !
I can almost hear the muffled whispering from down the hall....great great great shot
It looks like someone is standing behind the window.
maybe it has more rocket ammunition with explosive projectiles haha
If you cross the line, will you release booby traps?
This place is beautiful! and it is in pretty good shape.