Thanks for the wallpaper, Motts! LOVE this!
That mold is making me sick just looking at it ,hope you were wearing a dust mask at least,or preferably a respirator.
What i find more strange is there is not a singe soap dipenser to be seen amongst all of the sinks.
What an ood space ,its giving me the creeps.
The sinks look like they have sad little pathetic faces.
These faces remind of the characters the "Blockheads"
on the old Gumby and Pokey television show.
These sad faces are saying "please get me out of here".

Saturday, February / 08 / 2014
12:10 a.m.
Joseph, Sun City, California
Oh this is my new fav shot!! Love it!
Fantastic! So happy to see a new gallery up!
These red brick buildings with the white trims look like my college campus.
The spiral staircase look like a screw where they tightened down the roof.
Wooden floors; plain nice.
The window is so low down. It looks different. Good.
All good points Lynne - so what do you think it was used for? Never thought of the outward angled corners in that light..makes clear sense!
No, Motts, thank you & this one is a much better pick than the one I suggested for a wallpaper from this place.
I'd have to agree with you, Motts, on the cabinets being used to store personal items. Maybe personal care stuff for bathing, clothing for the next few days or medications they were on.
The wooden floor is so wonderful. It will be kept, and fixed. Nice!
Yes this is perfect - the hallway, and the picture.