that frosting thing on the end is a ear flush tool. i work at a doctors office the ones we use today arent much different from those just a little better looking
I used to work for a psychiatric nursing home and I have seen this one other place. It was used as a restrictive measure for patients that were violent when there was not a special segregated area for the patient. Most places stopped doing this because of the risk to patients being left alone in a locked room, fire, and other factors. It made sense though as they had toilet facilities and such.
When I was in elementary school in the 50 and 60's I saw many kids
wearing metal and leather leg braces. No one ever explained what they were for or what they did or anything and I deveoloped a fascination about braces. I figured it out eventually but never lost the curiousity. I've even bought some on EBAY and tried them on. Would not want to have to wear leg braces but they are ineresting just the same. Was a girl I remember in Ft. Worth, TX who wore an AFO with just one upright. One day during class change in the crowded hall I accidentally stepped on her heel and dislodged the brace and she had to sit on the stairs and fix it. I thought I had killed her but she said it was OK. Oddly, she would go to PE class and run and play kickball without her brace. And I still don't know why.
My mother wore braces similar to this in her childhood/teen years. I've seen old photos of her with them on, and they sure look painful.
Quite a photo here, Mr. Motts.
I know this might be a stupid question but I am 18 and not well educated in the area, but what is hydrochloric acid used for, i'm curious because the only place I've heard of it before was on The New Addams Family when they dropped Gomez into a vat of, I know thats not a good reference but thats why I'm curious...