Obviously I haven't seen the papers, but it looks to me like it says "Suicidals" rather than "Suicides". Perhaps it means that one patient was feeling suicidal, rather than that they did manage to kill themselves? That might fit in rather better with the other column being for taking precautions against escapes - having a column for tallying people who succeeded in killing themselves (presumably when the hospital was trying to prevent such action) seems a little odd to me.
I'd like to clarify that I don't condone involuntary ECT.
ECT sure beats the deuce out of older stuff, though. insulin? Metrazol anybody? I'm sure I have a leucotome somewhere...
all joking aside, there are tons of medical procedures and "treatments" that were cutting edge that we consider barbaric today. Perspective is a funny thing... Especially when one's perspective happens to be the face of the person about to zap your brain with a 400v electric shock.
That... That would be the liquor cabinet.
one almost feels as if one is being dragged down a hall to shock treatment. very spooky, claustrophobic, and paranoid.
this would be a beautiful wallpaper. Very surrealistic in a concrete way...
Yeah I know
Chey, look time no talk...crazy.
electroconvulsive therapy part one..............


a lil game ot lighten the mood
I don't remember, perhaps a log book of some sort or administrative paperwork...
all your comments concerning s1 are unfounded - clearly s1 is ST which clearly means either STORED, OR STRICTLY.
I would not be surprised if ghosts or zombies or something walked out those doors.
For one thing, the original hall pic may be quite old. Granted if it was the case that it was needing to be repaired rather than just remodeled, then there would probably be some sort of problems with the newer ceiling.
It's a shame that the original beauty of the place was covered up, but at least the beautiful hall was still used, rather than torn down or some other action taken. And although the renovations weren't as aesthestically pleasing as the older ornamentation, they probably served the function of the room well at the time.
nickd: if you did make this a desktop background, it would be cool to make the TRASH be the actual fire exit.
It kind of looks like a ladder.