10 Comments Posted by rach9276

I'm not sure, but I would think that there would be a lot more than one person a day feeling suicidal, especially in a place this big (though I don't know how many patients it had at a time, I'm guessing quite a few.) I'd imagine that some of the patients here would feel suicidal pretty much every day. But who knows. Maye they were out of touch with reality enough that their craziness manifested itself in other ways.

I would not be surprised if ghosts or zombies or something walked out those doors.
nickd: if you did make this a desktop background, it would be cool to make the TRASH be the actual fire exit.
It kind of looks like a ladder.
Just as long as it's not 187....
It's odd that it's just that one corner, pretty much, that's decaying.
Motts, I think it's awesome that you took a picture of this... it's funny how sometimes it's the little things that make a big impression on your mind.
And thanks for that bit of info, Nif... very interesting.
I agree, flaca... it feels like once something gets put on the gray slabby thing, and it carries it into the "freezer," whatever it is will not be coming back. The freezer of no return.
All of these pictures are incredible... it's like your worst nightmare, and most ingriguing fantasy, in one.... I think these pictures hit in the same place in me that's fascinated by car accidents and mangled cars.
Hospital beds always look very lonely, and empty... but this tops them all. I get a definite feeling that this was left behind. I know everything was, but this... I dunno. I feel bad for it.
