602 Comments for Château de Noisy (Miranda)

Ive cried more than once, you're work is awsome its so sad to see such a place ruined. Thanks to you we got to see such a beautiful place and imagine what it must have looked like at one time. Than kyou so much for all you're beautiful pictures......most of us that look at them would never see these places without you........Please be careful!! I pray you will always be safe when you go to these places. God bless you Mr. Motts.
Spider Man, Spider Man...
I absoulutely love this place I dream to do it up one day!! A big dreamm But I dream big. :)
This angled shot reminds me of the Cascada song, 'Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky...'
Very striking! Thankfully the red color still exists for the dramatic contrast.
C'est tres joli! : )
So enchanting!
@Jon-I fully agree-it is a shame that these old estates are left to rot...I like your description of the ornate room-I too picture a beautiful chandelier. They don't build such hand-crafted structures anymore, so these ones need to be preserved.
I can imagine silk inlaid walls, with an enormous crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. An enormous marble fireplace with intricate carvings and a huge gilded mirror adorned on top of the wall.

Comfy couches, imperial style, with oil lamps and beautiful long silk curtains adorning the massive windows!

Such a shame, there are hundreds, if thousands of estates like these in Europe and are just sitting there, hidden from history and the world and decays to nothing.

I would give anything to be a part of a restoration team and restore this mega castle back to its lovely state.
Uitgang mean exit Paul
mmmmmmmmmm those arches so enchnating
Same thing thats wrong with the government officials in the US Alexxx916
Great work Motts.
Ahh.. Dracula's inisde perhaps. Great for a party. Just a thought.
In fact this was a lamp, there was another on the other side of the road. The lamp was in the circular part.