259 Comments for Hamilton Mausoleum

dem bones dem bones dem dry bones. . .
I only hope that everyone that broke in here and desecrated these people Resting in Peace are shown the same fate and have their caskets plundered!
I am in shock, this needs to be reported to the state cemetary association.
Dang!! If that photo is of Sophie, she once was very beautiful.. She could actually have children still living.. ;(
Poor, little animal probably fell through the sky light hole when it was the only entrance and couldn't get out..
Makes one think of the old Tombstone Epitaph, "As you are now so once was I; as I am now so you shall be." There once was a time when women were buried with expensive jewelry.. Animals could only get to the remains after vandals had broken in..
I love Cemeteries and Mausoleums!! It's sad but interesting to see the destruction of people's last resting places.. This is often what happens when the place is full, and no more money is coming in to pay for upkeep.. Thanks, Motts!!
If I were to guess I'd say this was in Florida where the heat and moisture would be overwhelming......or maybe some of the Gulf states. Too bad a local TV station couldn't have 'gotten word' of what had happened to this site. Or maybe Vlad the Impaler.
Ghouls have been raiding grave sites forever. Not even the pharaohs were exempt from them.
I hope you contacted the cemetery owner/city and let them know this mausoleum had been forgotten about and vandalized. There are volunteer groups most places who try and watch over these types of places, care to the lawns/weeds and so on but the problem is, there are a lot that have been lost and forgotten. If these was on a cemetery that was still in use, then the owners of it, city or private have failed to do their job and they need to be called out. Once they know about this forgotten place, they should clean it up, and seal it back up.
Anyone Agree?
Good Slide Show, Went Thru All And came back To #1. Too Bad After All The Immoral Desecration Seen, That Just Like a Horror Movie The (Animated) Dead Would Be Waiting For Each New group of Desecraters & Send Them Down Stairs Eternally As The damage was done.
No One Of Morals, Knows the Stories These Wall Hide, from The Macabe Maybe Even Innocent, Hard to Realistically Imagine
I think this may be a photo of her in life:
Very interesting. You've exploited no one, and sensationalized nothing. Your work is fact, brought to life by photography for the world to see. Beautiful work.. Thank you.