609 Comments for Rathen State Hospital

Coz all the patients turn into pumpkins :D
I want a little blue one :D
I can smell the mold and humidity just looking at this picture.... drip...drip...drip...
this looks very bleak! sad and empty... a shell of the life it once held...
Creepy, creepy time for your sleepy...
*The website, ive never been to the hospital*
Man, looking at this makes me think about how much I MISSED THIS PLACE!
you take amazing photos
Why dont the people who own these older building auction off these old peices before the places are torn down, some collectors would pay good money for these pieces.
Sorry about the previous posts incorrect spelling the sentence should read the word "LAUNDROMAT", is/was trademarked by Westinghouse electric.
I was about to say... Adidas? :P
@Sasha, in order to preserve and protect these magnificent structures as long as possible from the hordes of Mott's wanna-bes, Opacity keeps the locations and (in most cases) the actual names classified. This also protects the amateur explorer from themselves. It would be tragic if a teenager died in one of these buildings because they wanted to do what Motts (a very seasoned and experienced explorer) did.
where are these places located??
I was locked down 23 hours a day and pretty well medicated when I was in a psych ward. Still I would love to have that sign for the front
all of these pictures are so amazing. this one is beautiful