4,224 Comments for Northampton State Hospital

motts you pics are great...i am amazed that you know so much in regards to that what the actual rooms are. how are u able to identlify all the rooms in such a large place? is it from experience in being in so many places or do u have maps? also, does anyone have any pics of any of these places while they were sitll being used? its crazy how quickly these places become so ancient looking. its also crazy how the staff left so much behind. did they know that they were shutting the doors forever?
I still have no apology from ~Me. :-(
Sean, ewww. Weird story. No drugs invovled...?
Stranger things have happened.
da miedo esta pagina pero
me gusta el miedo
lol! Thanks for the chuckle, I needed that :-)
Vilia -

Agreed - sounds like we are on the same page! :-)
there was a peice of wood covering a basement window saying "No one will find you if we do first." written in red. Kind of silly, but at the time it freaked me out.
Lynne, yes - you are absolutely right! What you say is correct and I in no way disagree with the factuals of it.

My point was that there *is* indeed this difference and *few* are aware of it. I let my less articulate side state it, and that was a mistake on my part.

The History that Sage posted is the "real" I was reffering to, that's how it all began. Sadly it's little known and the more common music/poetry-version is what's usually found these days.
And among these are, *of course*, "real ones"! It's just this "death=cool"-thing that pisses me off! Both the people who think it and the ones that think all those who think it are goths. The wannabes brings down the whole reputation of the original idea and a whole sub-culture gets the final branding.

And I just want to add that I myself am not a goth, nor do I try to be. Other than the fact that I do share my stompingground with them (historically) I don't have much of a connection at all.

I just don't take misguided hostility very well, which is a side I believe I have to work on as it does get the better of me from time to time.
this looks exactly like one of the rooms in session9
Did the Shining elevator of blood roll through here?
See this 1 looks a lil scarrier.
It's not that bad... it just looks old.
The Goths originated on the island of Gotland in the Baltic, to the best of our knowledge, and split into two groups as they migrated south across Central Europe. The Visigoths, or West Goths, settled in modern Romania during the second century. The Ostrogoths, or East Goths, settled farther to the east on the northwest coast of the Black Sea. In 376 AD the Visigoths were driven from modern Romania by the Huns and moved south across the Danube. Their strength was estimated at 60,000 men, women, and children. They defeated a Roman army from Constantinople, settled briefly south of the Danube, and then pushed into Italy. In 409 they sacked Rome under their king Alaric and then moved north into Gaul. The Romans gave them southwestern Gaul. From there they eventually extended their rule into all of modern Spain and Portugal.

The Gothic Age

As the third year that followed the year on thousand grew near, there
was to be seen over almost all the earth, but especially in Italy and in Gaul, a
great renewal of church buildings; each Christian community was driven by a
spirit of rivalry to have a more glorious church than the others. It was as if
the world had shaken itself, and casting off its old garments, had dressed
itself again in every part in a white robe of churches.

I do not dislike Goths. Someone made a comment under mine that was incorrect and added my name to it. I am especially insulted that an ugly sexual slur was attached to it. I will say, though that if your definition of a Goth as "accepting, respecting and daring to live" doesn't fit people who choose to work in a very difficult field taking care of people when others are critical of them for doing it, I don't know what does. And it takes a lot more courage to do that than to wear different clothes and listen to different music and to "dare" to think different thoughts. A large number of people who frequent this forum would describe themselves as Goths, so there is no bias about that here. What there is bias about is the silly people who come here pretending to be Goths, as you said. Maybe rather than jumping the people who may not know the difference between a true Goth and a Goth-wannabe you could do what many of the rest of us try to do - try to educate people about the differences between public perception and reality.