780 Comments for Mentha State Hospital

I was the opposite to you Motts, I spent ten minutes writing my name so it was perfect. They've got very neat and tidy writing, much more so than the person declaring it incomplete.
that does not look like your standard 6 foot 8 inch door height .there must have been some really tall patients residing in this place.
They have nothing in common, thats why they match together. Is'nt that right MamaToFive?
LOL Violet...that made me LOL. :)

eldokid...yeah either that or a person with NO color sense. Ech.
That's bordering on disturbingly creepy.
LOL Larry...ya think?
The Butabi Brothers! What is Love? Baby don't hurt me (for posting that).
Oh, ok, obviously I was wrong! Thank you now I know better!
LOL @ asshat...I use that word now and DH laughs at me because he knows where I got it from. :D
Wow...I didn't even notice that plate sititng there! Good eye Larry!

Looks like the shadow-person is sliding down the chair...WHEEEE!
Because these are shower-chairs I would think that some people with motoric impairments would need a belt to protect them from slipping from the wet chair and hurting themselves.
I grew up with radiators and I really miss them. I wish I had them in my house. I have wonderful memories of putting our clothes on them in the winter and putting them on all nice and warm. We had beautiful ceramanic bottles hanging on them to keep the air from getting dry. The North still has houses with radiators but not here in the South it seems. Oh those wonderful days in Europe.........
The prosthetic leg needs a prothetic foot.

Don't look the most comfortable does it.
Gorgeous shot.
It makes me wonder what happened to the owner of the leg. A prosthetic leg isn't the type of thing a person forgets to take with them.