780 Comments for Mentha State Hospital

I wonder how long it takes for this to happen?
Happy thoughts people... maybe he or she got a new one when this one wore out!
Isn't he just holding the pot of gold behind his back? That's what I see /shrug.
See what happens when you don't prime before changing types of paint!!
AH yeah, now that I look at them good you are right. :) They are exceptionally tall aren't they?
that is one real twisted up mess.
Wow, shower inserts. How unusual in these galleries.
Very curious. I'd love to know what that means.
LOL HAHHA...Yeah I have to do windows with 50 little fingers (5 kids X 10 fingers) always grubbing them up...I also cook, clean, sew by hand, crochet, and do simple taxes too. :D

We go through MD when we vacation in Williamsburg VA...what a beautiful state you have there. :)
thats a strange place to put a closet.
I bet that cavity got pretty warm with a TV and being over the steam heat!
looks like a police line up. You on the far right .Where were you last night at10:45 pm?
Thanks for the new gallery. It was also refreshing to read the summary and see that this was originally planned as a really nice place to house long term patients. It really is heartbreaking to think of how these peopl were treated before establishments like this came along. As much as people want to complain about treatment in these asylums, the alternative was usually much much worse.
Thats why they match together in an asylum I meant..
Yeah TJcee...exactly. :)

They still have these cubbyhole spaces at the Mall where the Play Area is so the kids can leave their shoes while they play in the play-tunnels and stuff.