780 Comments for Mentha State Hospital

Good one ferdy! It does bring several questions to mind...lost it? Left it? Didnt like it? Got a new one?
As usual, fantastic shots. You really have a great eye. Thank you.
Look ma, no hands.
The simplicity of this shot is it's brilliance. The way the light falls across the floor gives a feeling of loneliness & melancholy. A lot of people (patients & staff) gazed out those windows over the decades.
Everything looks so narrow. Maybe it''s an illusion.
Maybe Electric Shock Unit?
Amazing! Still look new. Dont even see any hair on them. Can you imagine how many times roller like these would be reused!? Wonder if head lice was a problem ?
So the mice could get in and out.
Those white PVC pipes look out of place here. This is perfect in B&W. Love the use of light.
How interesting! Reminds me of the shop of an old lady friend i visited when i was a kid. Yes they called it spray lacquer back then, lol, @ it would keep your hair in place for a month! :)
Ditto :P
Quite Hospital Zone


Daaaanger ..
What a change from last photo to this ^ The way those chairs sit all crumpled up looks as if they fell through the ceiling.
Terrific introduction, history and pics. Thanks so much Motts! Can anyone make out what is written on that black info. board?
odd looking lock plate?