780 Comments for Mentha State Hospital

How many nightmares did THAT cause?
That mirror makes the shot. I guess it could be a window.....nice that it's not smashed.
Reminds me of an old VCR from the 1980s. I bet that thing weighed 20 pounds.
That just ain't right.
That lock looks original. Very cool.
Looks like a patient room. I've seen smaller in other galleries.
NICE perspective hallway shot!
It's the lonely four barstools!
The New York Subway's lost & found has several of these. (See what spending most of your life watching the Discovery Channel teaches you?)
My paper never got handed-in. It was blank, because I was staring out the window, or in some other world!
The walls are growing hair!
It looks like the wall on the right doesn't go all the way down to the floor, and the red thing is partly under it. Cool illusion!
Appears to have been a horrific multi-crapper collision. =8-O
Yeah, that's weird...both of 'em being busted alike. Maybe it was done intentionally...?