780 Comments for Mentha State Hospital

Looks like the room vomited. =8-P ````*
Welcome to room 270, the tornado room.
What a difference from the other parts of the hospital. Much more 'vintage".
I like the steam pipe in the corner...
Good point Mike. Shoot, I could easily spend some quality TV time in here. I'm surprised they left the pictures on the wall. Nice.
LOL Jon! You may be right!
New gallery - - Thanks Motts!
The ceiling looks very out-of-place, especially with those rounded corners for the doorways.
Thank you Mr. Motts. A tremendous amount of research & hard work obviously goes into each & every gallery and we, the fans of Opacity, are but one of the benefactors. You see, before I became hooked on this web site, I had no idea who or what a Kirkbride was. I didn't know about hydrotherapy, or EST, or lobotomies as a state of the art treatment in it's day. I was unaware that the main treatment for TB years ago was fresh air outside. And my view of healthcare providers at these facilities did a 180 thanks to people like Lynne (God, I miss her). I guess what I'm trying to say here is this; Opacity makes a much broader difference in ways you may not realize. And it's much appreciated.
Your Photos....a welcomed event .... anytime! Appreciate your work sooo very much!
Wonder what the going price was?
Nope money, its one of those old toilet paper holders that issued you ONE sheet of micro-thin pieces at a time.
Now thats sad, if the doors only had a keyhole or a vent hole to peer out of. I can see some poor person lying on their stomach watching the feet shuffle by. :(
Yes, ferdy! The luck of the Irish must of meant having a revolving head to this artist, lol.
I know if i was stuck in there id be wanting to hop a ride on one of those air balloons and float far, far away from this hole. I agree Larry D.
Time has not been kind to this room. Fascinating the way nature takes over.
I like the reflection mirror... you can watch your back!