4,023 Comments for Riverside State Hospital

Now that is amazing!
I don't think I could resist taking a souvenir, you could start your own museum, it's sad they're just going to trash this stuff!
Wouldn't it be cool if it spelled out "OPACITY" ! ;-)
Motts, you probably got the last picture that will ever be taken here. By the look of it, those floors won't hold up much longer .
She looks better than the ugly babies we practice CPR on. At least, you might want to save it.
Totally incredible. A bar going accross the doors - WOW I love it! Great colors. Mr. Motts, this shot is total Genius!
Good idea locking up toothbrushes, we had a patient that swollowed everything she could. Had surgery for removing necklaces, bracelets, TOOTHBRUSHES. When a patient asked for a new toothbrush once and I had to order some from Central Supply, I told him to ask Jasmine or whatever, she swollowed most of them.
Fantastic!!! I love it.
Looks like it's going to roll over.
That's a great shot. Reminds me of those paintings with the reflections in a lake or something to that effect. Hope nobody there had to go to the bathroom really bad, lol!
Sure does! What a great view!
not that they wouldn't have held up, just that they were no longer in use, sorry for any confusion, everyone.
The fire escape looks like it was slapped on after the fact in order to get the building up to code.
Take a minute to think about the different last names and backgrounds these patients came from.
Wooden ones would have been long but gone by this time.