4,023 Comments for Riverside State Hospital

I would love to have this room as my office.... the woodwork is beautiful.
One of my very favorite pictures. Fantastic picture!
Looks like a safe door except for the vent holes. Very interesting shot.
The paint chips remind me of "The Birds".
I want to know where the "fresh" males were kept.

That picture reminds me of a subway station.
Yay i've found a programme that stitches the photo's together automatically:D it's on this website: http://www.autostitch.net/
OMG! Silk, Thank you that was a great laugh!
This is a convection steamer and an old one at that. At the bottom, there is a tank filled with water that is heated past it's boiling point, and thus steam is produced. The steam is them directed into the chambers above,where those big doors, when closed, using those big wheels, create an airtight seal (like a hatch on a submarine). After all the air is replaced with the hot steam, the pressure starts to build inside the chamber. After the steam chamber has the correct pressure, the temperature starts to increase. And, when the temperature increases the food inside starts to cook.

Convection steamers are used to cook pretty much everything from lobsters to potatoes. The design has changed over the years but the basic principal has remained to same.
Is it me or is much of this place painted a beautiful color blue? Seems to be the signature color here.... Totally amazing!
I like this one. The colors coming through those windows are amazing! Very well captured!
Almost seems impossible to capture such colors on film, great job. This ranks up there in your top 10 for sure!
Totally breathtaking. The colors are simply amazing. What a beaufiful shot.
Lynne, only after they were strapped in a Urology table with a view, fitted with copper piping and catapulted out the window! LOL