4,023 Comments for Riverside State Hospital

Damn! Motts, you had some mighty big stones going into this place. I wonder if this was a catastrophic, sudden structural failure & everything fell at once or was this a slow sinking? Fascinating photo.
Definitely one of my favorite shots on the site. The picture just sends chills... The picture should be named Fear... it looks like the portal to my nightmares....
Damn I hate being red/green color blind. I see NO contrast at all.
Good point; I believe the sun usually set to the right behind the river, which would make sense.
@LST and Larry D
Not just governments to this. Business to, because once something has been amortized it's worthless. Selling it means you now have taxable income which means additional headaches. Also you need to store this shit somewhere for sale. It really makes more sense to abandon it in many cases.
They may be asymmetric to better capture the sun. The shorter side would be where the sun is coming from and also shallower so it would be able to reach more/longer the taller less sunny side. Just a thought.
At the time many of these places were operating there was no interweb so confidentiality really wasn't as important.
Assuming you found the file of "Fred Bloggs" 20 years ago unless you knew him or he was somehow famous you probably wouldn't track him down or have any way to even publicize this info.
So in the end the information didn't matter it was like a story on a floor. Nowadays you can search for people on the web, or post a picture or scan of the medical record and then it's easy for someone to put 2 and 2 together. That's why confidentiality is now much more vital than before.
haha! thats a 3m 8200 series mask. i have one from when i used to clean crime scenes
Soooooo cooooool
Me too Melli, but it would have been worth the fine and jail time (if need apply)
Wallpaper please!
Unfortunately it went aflame and the fire department knocked massive holes in the exterior walls... it's just been sitting there since.
Oh man I wish I had known about this site when LST69 posted her comment nearly 5 years ago. I worked for NASA for 22 years and she is absolutely correct. *Come back LST69*
I hope this facility was saved.
Interesting stains on that mattress next to the wall. (EWWW)