After frequenting this site, it's hard to look at everyday places without imagining how they will look once they've become abandoned.

Awesome work here.
Sumpin' like "Pay attention, here is where nosocomial infections arise," which are diseases one picks up while in the hospital (as opposed to having them before you were admitted to the hospital).
...and in English?
Attention les maladies neucosomiales arrivent..
Only about two or three visits a month these days. Of course they're 6-9 hour trips when I go.
Dead Turtles? Were they at least dancing?
Ed... I'm curious. How many hours ( a week, let's say) do you spent at Byberry? :P
i was there yesterday and found test tubes with some white shit in it with som water looked like seaman haha
THE MAN you got your shit all wrong sprading faluse stories to the puplic like that the person who this happen to has his own web site telling you the whole storie and aparently your story is different from his and I believe him not you
one place I havent been isn't it near the old mansions the big brick looking house and it looks like it has no windows
I think this is w-6
Ed, your link is dead. It leads no where. If it gets fixed, reset it. I 'ld like to see where it goes
i've actually never heard of the place....lol the pictures are verry creepy tho^^'

someone (the owner...?) should call in the TAPS team that does that "Ghosthunters" show on SciFi...

here's the website if anyone's interested:
And to make it clear... I'm not a satanist ^^
Just interested in learning of "demons" and whatnot... Anyway.. So I don't get in trouble for talking of useless things... Amazing shot, Mr. Motts. And contrary to what others may think, I believe the graffitti kinda makes the picture look better... In an artsy, strange type of way. o-O
All hail Pazuzu! Demon of wind and son of Hanbi...!

Yeah. That was corny. Couldn't help myself. ;)