
What I find amazing about the "Boy Falls" story is that it occured ONE MONTH before I arrived as a student, and yet I don't remember anyone saying anything about it!
Maybe its simply a rather large soap dispenser....
Thanks, Tim! I've been waiting 4 1/2 months to hear this! :-)
I shaved for the first time at one of those sinks!
Twug, my little love, I didn't ask if they WERE orbs, I asked if the buttons HAD orbs. There is a (supernatural) world of difference there! I just didn't want to get no haunted buttons that would be flashin' their ghostly orbs at me all the time and haunting me with tortured tales of having been sewed on haphazardly or, Heaven forfend, having been placed on a garment with mismatching buttons - horrors! =8-o Just think of how those poor little buttons would suffer for all eternity! =8-o
I always understood that the property owner built it so he could watch the Trotters racing in town.
Like Paul Z. and Jerry M., I was also a seminarian in Goshen ('64 - '68)..the Mansion on the property has already been torn down , and part of me wants the owners to go ahead and tear down the school too. It is too sad to see it in such awful shape.
Which ship did this come from?
Buttons are too flat to be orbs.
Purely stunning.. The history... the images.. Amazing!
Throwing away human lives to salvage the last 5% of value from this ship is what I'd view as a prime example of waste! But maybe the way the railings come together to form a small cross image at the bow is just getting me into too much of a respect life mood. Quite a shot indeed that it can present such varied perspectives to different people.
rich_edwards79, the Astoria looks like an older ferry boat.
I'd have to disagree. I think it looks like a boat.
These images are all very well done and interesting. As a photography student, I look at them for artistic content.

However, a good way to ruin this gallery for anyone would be to say, "You know I'm feelin' hella good so let's just keep on dancin'."
For the love of god man, won't ye leave us alone... So shallow, so alone, so quiet. Let us rest and in turn we will let you remember us in our grandeur. For we do not haunt you ...Please do not haunt us. We simply need to rest.
(fine pics - thanks)