
Oh, feel the chill!!
I just saw this post. Thanks Lynne for thinking of me. Mathue I can only get about 1/8 of the page to load. What all is on this page or what is the article about.
its amazing! it's like something is calling you from the room with the "light"
Thanx. I live in a town not far from Danvers, so I've been there (not the hospital!) many times.
Uh-oh - looks like ~Me is in trouble, talkin' 'bout her granny like that. :-(
Pretty damn good, Neutrino!
did you happen to have any after effects from being in the building such as dizziness or feeling weakened and sick?
Last house on the left, that was the last movie i watched at a drive in.
Yes, there are also marks on the floor where the divider supports were fastened, they would have had doors also, like any public restroom
I love the way the light falls in this picture.
I am in lurve...

This picture reminds me of a house that use to be around the corner from my house in West Chester. The house got torn down and you use to have to walk trhough the woods to get there.. Oh how my friends miss the old high school days or travleing to the house
I am by far in love with this picture, and pretty much every picture posted on this site (being as i use to be a photography major) And i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to go here and take pictures.
If anyone would like to take me, or come with me email me at Make the subject Byberyy please, so that i dont delete it.
Dear Andrew,
It wasent my idea to kill someone, I did it just to try it. People would like to restore old buildings to save from tearing down forests to put new trees, to save some land for the animals and wildlife to not see a wallmart everytime they turn around.
When you die, at your funeral I hope the preacher man says, "you people are obsessive over this worthless dead dude, just lay your flowers and stop crying."
Wow you people are weird. I really dont care what you say. It wasnt even my idea to smash the window was another person..i jus did it to try it. I also dont think the place should be restored, it is how it is, and what water, its on the third floor and has iron bars on it.

You people are obsessive about these places, just take your pictures and shut up, big deal.