
My Friends found that place and filmed it its on my camera its freaking scary as hell
Were the Hell is that Theater We need a map of the place
Oh, that they do. To my knowledge the state inspects them once a year to insure they remain in perfect calabration.
They inspect scales?
Most likeley it is, looks exactally like the one they put up to the side of my face. Ugh I hate the dentist.
The drinking water is kind of a cold war relic, many of the buildings at pigrim house fallout shelters,the top line on top of the drum is the level at which water is to be filled, the bottom is for level at which feces is to be stored when the water is empty.
I would love to have you guys meet up with Officer McG just to talk about some of the stuff that comes through the 7th that does not make the news. Before you proclaimed you and your flashlight experts. This was just an abandond building.
Everyone's aware you can ACCESS the blue prints to almost any state building, right? I looked at some from Danvers, although I had to go all the way to Boston since that was where the archutiect was from, I still got them. I bet if you figure out who constructed any of these buildings you can get the layouts and such. Althogh I doubt they'll help much because they wouldn't have the additions on them.
Wow, a ceramic autopsy table. I didn't even know they were made.
Wow, remarkably clean and modern-looking
From the looks of it, I'd say that has to be a dental X-Ray
Imagine cleaning that place up a bit and having a punk show or something?
Damn I missed that one *smashes*! hehe just kidding. Most people are only in one part of Byberry, and they usually don't usually bother to roam around too much probally because they're afraid to. i will admit that I'm afraid to!!
Yeah whatever... I can see that most of the rooms there are set up to make the weekly Scrabble game more interesting.

I can also see in the artwork what classy upstanding people grace the halls. I would def allow them to watch over my little girl for a night of wholesome fun in byberry.

BTW - I went to Washington HS. I know enough about it.
I like the "Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works" on top. I wonder if it was a pre-cursor to FEMA. Either way, this is a great find! Love the relatively intact lettering on the marble background.