
I always wondered if those were roses but no one else seemed to notice it so I never asked in fear of looking an idiot.
it looks like a spirit could be trying to get out but is blocked.
o my god this is sutch a cool pick. i'v been in a gurney like this before.
i agree with stunned it was pobably placed there i don't think it is scary at all.
Thanks Truckie and BillF !!!
Maybe just the angle, but are those roses on it? If it was used in a play, that would make sense...
Wow, one of the best shots of the set!
DAMN!!!!! That is stunning!
Great shot! This place is unbelievable!
Was that blurry streak already on the sign, or was that added in photoshop to cover something up?
I wonder if anyone had thought of draining the tunnels yet.
Ed, Thanks for hittin my guest book on Classy-Media. The answer is yes, but I don't have your e-mail addy.

Drop me a line.

PS: Sorry Motts, he is hard to track down! lol
Thanks for the suggestions, Nick. I personally feel that brighter shots do not capture what these places really look like, and I enjoy leaving the dark shadows in the photos to keep the mystery and beauty of these spaces intact.

I do not take submissions as this web site is not a collaborative effort. Thanks again for your input!
This is the hall that Brandon B saw that damn man sitting on that bucket in! lol then he disapeared! wooooooooness...yeah
i started down that area of tunnels and got as far as up to my knees in freezing cold water at which point, i decided to turn around.