
There's the big curtain you see in the pic, and a whole lotta stage behind it as well. It's a professional stage layout for full productions with colored spotlights and everything else.
wow, great before/after.
Antiquated or not, most 35mm film prints still arrive on 20 min. reels. (the time it takes to burn a carbon arc rod)
looks like urine.
Is that a grand drape hiding more stage behind the apron; Or is that just a solid wall behind the front of the stage?

nice photos by the way.
I've never seen an attic so clean!!! Where's the boxes of stuff?
Ha Ha, good one Lynne, Ya my mom introduced me to some good music (my dad liked country) 70's music is about all I listen to any more (most the music out today sucks) if you ever want to BS about music or Mott's kick ass site E-mail me. Ed from Oregon
looks like the set of the famous "Alien Autospy" video. The saw at the end of the table is unnerving.
those are not mixers they are steam kettles some may have a mixer attachment but they are for making very large batches of gravys and soup ect
"Once upon a time, there was a forest that was enchanted....."
I remember this staircase.
It was 1967 and I was five years old.
My mother told me to hold onto her hand and put my other hand on this railing so I wouldn't fall. Now she's gone, so this picture has hit close to the heart.
I miss her and this magical place.
Thank you for posting it!
I envy you!!!!!....What a beautiful shot. LOVE the angle it was taken!...I love the stone wall. That must have taken some time to build! It looks like you just opened a story book...I believe "Cry Baby" is coming out in d.v.d. this month!
Oh wait..The Tea Kettle IS right way are seeing the back of it, where the handle is and the side of it...again, it is the taller standing piece just beyond the two Tea Cups.
The Tea Kettle is in this shot...the rusted piece that is just beyond the two Tea Cups! (it is sitting straight up and down ..the spout it face down in the ground in this shot) If you are interested in helping to save the peices, and finding out more, check out "The Enchanted Forest Preservation Society"'s site just put their name in your search window.
P.S. - The Enchanted Forest is 50 years old this August 15th, 2005, and The Clark's Elioak Farm, who is rescuing the pieces, is haveing a Celebration ...even the Governor of MD is coming!