86 Comments Posted by fashionpage88@yahoo.com

This is my favorite shot so far.
Why do the stars have motion in them? Everything else looks fairly well focused and unblurry.

Very interesting....
im gonna be sick
It says something...

Very small. At the top.... Motts, do you have the original, full quality? Maybe get that photo, zoom in and take a look. what does it say?
~Me!!!!!!! AIM me: SL Rocks My Sox or email me!
soap despenser, anyone? hahahahahhaa
haha I meant, Did Motts use reverse lens photography to take this shot. like.. take the lens off and flip it around. the super short focal length gives that effect
I need a print of this. Period.
hahahha you guys rock. I LOVE this picture
Stunning. Perfect. Amazing.
at first glance, it almost looks like fog or clouds lol

Reverse Lens Photography?