86 Comments Posted by fashionpage88@yahoo.com

I can totally see everything... very eerie.
freakin A.... I totally see the face... freaked me out... I can't look at this photo anymore.. thanks a lot lol It makes me look behing me constantly.
without the grafitti (sp?) the shot would have been utterly perfect. I dunno.. maybe the spray paint adds to it *shrug*
Love the purgatory/limbo feel to it. The down stairs and up stairs. Nice feel.
Nice shot. The dust fell just right. The arrow kind of ruins it though. :-\
It looks like a movie set... Like those are the wires for cameras and lighting and such.. and the broken glass looks contrived. staged.
It looks like there is a mirror in the middle of the frame, relecting the room. Very nice.
Even though the lights have been on for what seems to be forever, the lights give the impression that someone has recently been there. Which may make you look over your shoulder here and there *wink*
The flower stickers give it an eerie feel. Like you would here childeren's droned out singing in the background or something. Doesn anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?
The dim skies really worked wonders for you in that picture. Impressive actually.. I always get mad at dark skies.. lighting always turns out wrong... but you made it work for you.