1,827 Comments Posted by eldokid@aol.com

I can't get enough of this web site. I come back every day in hopes of new pictures and sometimes I am surprised with a new gallery and mesmerizing photographs. Thank you!
Almost looks alive -
What I live for. . . a NEW Gallery, YAY!!
At least we know this person hasn't had any corn recently!
The floor looks a little squishy
I think they call it "progress"
I kind of agree, if you look real close you can actually see the picture area and then count the sprocket holes.
Yes, practicality aside, they would still be neat to have if one had the space just to have them on display.
how sad
all this destruction and yet the flourescent light fixtures hang on -
Imagine the sounds that must have made -
the shots of collapsing floors mesmerize me for some reason - I can stare at them for hours
I would love to see a time lapse movie of this place, when it was occupied and people running around to when it was left to rot and then finally the rotting process. Amazing.
yes, those "tubes" on the top are like clothes dryer vents because these projectors actually burned carbon arc rods, so they were needed to vent the heat and gasses. I would LOVE to find two of these somewhere. They must weigh a ton, but what a home theater they would make!