36 Comments Posted by wayne

the ogdensburg psych center is in my home town. I worked on the close down of the buildings. these rooms were are all washed from top to bottom. And all contents in the buildings were removed. it took a crew of about 150 people 3 months to get this work done. the nicotine was so thick on the walls some had to be washed 3 times.
This was called the hole !!! In C build I know because I was taken there for a week for excape from ward A-21 build A Suppervisior Jones
You all joke about that place but I was there and it was pure Heck! I was just around 10 or 12 on ward A-21 in the main build. The tunnels were all through the buildings so we could not excapt but I did and got as far as Indiana. I broke out a window by breaking the hinges on my window and crawing out in the midle of the night by droping bed sheets down to the ground and climing out.
if you want more information about that place or the truth about that place e-mail me at mistle.toe@verizon.net if I feel safe to talk to you I will give you a number to call me on.
That will depend on how your out-look is on these matters. I have been very successful in life ever since that time, and don't want to be disrespeceted because of my stay there because I was a kid who had a habbit of getting into little jams along my childhood days.
Answering a question by someone earlier, the John Waters movie " Cry Baby" shot a few scenes here. Johnny Depp played cry baby.
yeah deep shodows BAD MEMORIES FROM THE 50'S. By now from Wayne an x patient of that darn place.
Yeah shodows of horor of the past.
I'm pretty sure this is B Building entrance.
I think this was the entrence to A- Build admmid , Dr Youder office was on the right side as you enter the build.
Clean my but this is where the attendents would throw us in very warm water then dous us with ice water that would shock us. we would cry and cry and if did'nt stop when told to the attendents would hit us on the head hard with their keys, or thump us with their middle knukels on the head. Ohh how well I remember that !!!
I remember scrubing these tiles. This is where I learned to run a buffer.
This is a look at all you can see from inside the cell as kids we could not see out the windows we were to small.
This was a seclusion cell. You could be in there for a long time depending on what you did.
This is the way the attendents would take us kids for store privledges and lab tests as well as shock treatment rooms. They would always treaten us kids if we screwed up they would take us in those rooms and shock us.
another view of the walkways between buildings.